Month: 1 year ago

Mom Word Vomit

Random Stranger

This weekend I was traveling with my two littles to see my family. We were stopped at a light when you could see a group of individuals collecting donations. I never have cash but did that day. I rolled my window down and heard what they were supporting. The lady gave me a high five. […]

Mom Word Vomit

Full Circle

I think. I worry. I hold it all inside. I question. I can be in such a deep mental funk and am not sure why or how I am going to get myself out of it. I can send myself down rabbit holes I have no business being down. and then I see those sweet […]

Mom Word Vomit

My Bigfoot

  I have started the process to publish my third children’s book. With every book I’ve published, I think it just might be my new favorite. If you know me, you know I wrote my first one years before I took the plunge to publish it. It was a coping mechanism of mine when I […]

Mom Word Vomit

Think About Perspective

I am in a trauma informed professional development course and one of the assignments had us watch a video with Oprah Winfrey. She was discussing what every human craves. She said it comes down to love. Every human needs to be loved. I agree with her. Whether a person can identify that or not.. humans […]

Mom Word Vomit

Invisible Weight

For any Moms out there going through a hard time, forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for whatever weight you are carrying with you that should have been left a long time ago. Extra hard day today with the kids? Snapped easier than you’re proud of? Forgive yourself. Forgot to set something out in preparation for dinner? […]

book cover mockup for BookLeesLLC Author Sadie Dabney

Love You More, Miss You Always; When Our Emotions Buzz; I Can't, Yeti

Looking for some new, interactive children's books with some great lessons!? Look no further! Available on online via print on demand through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Walmart

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