Month: 1 year ago

Mom Word Vomit


I am 31 years old. I do not know everything and sometimes still struggle to adult yet I also feel more self aware than ever. I’m more aware now of boundaries and healthy communication than I’ve ever been. I’m aware that defining those things for me does not make me a mean human. I am […]

Mom Word Vomit

M.O.M. Challenge

Calling all the MOMS out there. Here is something for you to focus on DAILY. Damn it. Yes, daily! FOCUS ON YOU. You give so much of yourself everyday to your little humans and I applaud you for that. I know you wouldn’t have it any other way and it is also okay to need […]

Mom Word Vomit

Hope is Hard

I am finding myself fixating on one word these days. One word that encompasses my mood or current state of mind. Today I drove an hour, kid free, and found myself focused on the word HOPE. I realized hope might be one of the hardest things. Often times what we hope  for might be dependent […]

Mom Word Vomit


Change is hard. As humans, we’re tossed into systems (school, sports, clubs, babysitters, etc) and are essentially forced to adjust. We become creatures of habit. Some of us seek adventure. Some of us seek routine. Nonetheless, change whether chosen or uncontrolled brings all kinds of feelings to the surface. Some people say change is good. […]

book cover mockup for BookLeesLLC Author Sadie Dabney

Love You More, Miss You Always; When Our Emotions Buzz; I Can't, Yeti

Looking for some new, interactive children's books with some great lessons!? Look no further! Available on online via print on demand through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Walmart

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