Month: 11 months ago

Mom Word Vomit


Statistics… Stats.. a class many people probably tried to avoid in school. Statistics hits differently when you starting defining yourself as one. I am now a statistic. One I never thought I would be. One I vowed I would not be. But life… life sometimes hits you in a way that you cannot plan for. […]

Mom Word Vomit


It is time… almost. My third children’s book is almost done and ready to purchase. When my daughter was two, she went through a big “I can’t” phase. I always replied, “I can’t, YET” and explained to her one day she hopefully would be able to. From that routine of ours sparked my idea for […]

Mom Word Vomit

Internal Peace

Google says that peace is defined as freedom from disturbance. For awhile, as a Mom, I was not sure I would ever feel complete internal peace. Sounds pretty messed up right? But it goes hand and hand with the emotions of motherhood–I will always worry about my children, I will always question if I am […]

book cover mockup for BookLeesLLC Author Sadie Dabney

Love You More, Miss You Always; When Our Emotions Buzz; I Can't, Yeti

Looking for some new, interactive children's books with some great lessons!? Look no further! Available on online via print on demand through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Walmart

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