Insta Influencers
Hi! I have been absent from here for a few weeks. We’ve been in the heart of summer and I have been home with both kiddos. I also am closing one work chapter and preparing for another. Switching gears for my kids, too. My to-do-list is very long. I also have really poured into social media and trying to promote my books. I know once the school year starts that my Momarketing time will be greatly decreased. This morning I was on Instagram and saw DarylAnn’s post about people being rude and mean in regards to her tone’s launch. I have repeatedly contacted my favorite influencers to share my books. I feel annoying. But, Instagrams is one of the main social media platforms I use and the only tool I know how to use at the moment to promote my books. I would much rather be annoying than rude. Anyways, I am in awe of the influencers. To be so vulnerable and open with the world on social media, cannot be easy. It makes me sad that they have to endure poor comments. Like she said, if you do not like it, that is fine… you do not need to be rude. I have had a few influencers respond to me and I cannot express how grateful I am for that. I know they get flooded with people reaching out to them… whether it is just to say hi, criticize them, ask them a question, or in my case asking them for help. So to the ones who have replied, thank you. It means the world to me and you have given me hope to continue this Momarketing of mine. For the influencers who have not responded, thank you, too. I know you guys are so busy and bombarded daily and that you are always trying your best. I truly cannot imagine.
If you are reading this, be nice. The world needs kindness. I understand they are putting themselves on social media and in some of your eye’s to be “judged”, but that’s not it. They are making a life for themselves and their families. Who are we to judge them for that? And for a Mom like me, home with my kids in the summer, they help me feel connected and not alone. I would rather be an Insta-Influencers than an Insta-Icky.