Month: 2 years ago

Mom Word Vomit

Words Matter

Words matter. I am not sure why anyone has ever tried to say any different. Sure… can we forgive? Yes. Can we further discuss the words and try to better understand why someone said what they said? Absolutely. But not matter the context, words matter. I pulled over from driving because a song came on […]

Mom Word Vomit

Insta Influencers

Hi! I have been absent from here for a few weeks. We’ve been in the heart of summer and I have been home with both kiddos. I also am closing one work chapter and preparing for another. Switching gears for my kids, too. My to-do-list is very long. I also have really poured into social […]

book cover mockup for BookLeesLLC Author Sadie Dabney

Love You More, Miss You Always; When Our Emotions Buzz; I Can't, Yeti

Looking for some new, interactive children's books with some great lessons!? Look no further! Available on online via print on demand through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Walmart

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