Month: 1 year ago

Mom Word Vomit

The Forever Apologetic Aunt

Being the first person in a group of siblings to have children, you often hear “oh the first grandkid!” Having the first grandchild is a big deal. There is something so special about watching your parents be grandparents. But what isn’t talked about as much, or maybe it is, and I just lived in a […]

Mom Word Vomit

Me? Mom? Are They the Same?

This past weekend I stepped away from my kids for a night to listen to some live music. I thoroughly enjoyed my time yet could not wait to squeeze their little faces. People are not joking when they say Mom guilt is real. Yet my cup needs to be filled in ways besides through my […]

Mom Word Vomit

Hard Days as a Mom

I love my kids more than anything. I often say motherhood is the best, yet hardest journey I have been on and I have been through some. I want nothing but the best for my kids, but showing them and giving them the best if often so damn hard. I am starting to realize that […]

book cover mockup for BookLeesLLC Author Sadie Dabney

Love You More, Miss You Always; When Our Emotions Buzz; I Can't, Yeti

Looking for some new, interactive children's books with some great lessons!? Look no further! Available on online via print on demand through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Walmart

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